Rewind to the millennium. You were 32, with a four-year-old and another child on the way, and you picked that moment to leave Late Show With David Letterman, where you’d spent five very successful years, to do something that had never been done before. That seems a risky, if not downright reckless, move. What convinced you it was time to go it alone?
I’d always wanted to be an entrepreneur and I believed absolutely that if I harnessed the knowledge and experience and relationships I’d gained at Letterman, created a powerhouse team and offered that expertise to other media outlets it was going to work. And so did Letterman. They immediately said: ‘We’ll be your first client’.
How has the industry changed since you started out in 2000?
Media is constantly evolving. Two decades ago CTB booked six magazines including Oprah and Jane. We don’t book any now because there are hardly any left. Late night will always remain my true love but I recognised the business was changing. There were more late night shows, an increasing number of daytime shows, morning television was expanding and outlets like YouTube, Twitter, Netflix were appearing.
When you live and breathe media, as I have for 30 years, you can feel when the shifts occur and predict which direction the industry’s moving in – and where those all-important advertising dollars are headed. That’s how we were ahead of the curve when streaming and podcasts became a thing. But it’s not just the formats that have changed, it’s the way projects are publicised too. Companies like Apple and Amazon have a guaranteed audience and their focus is about winning awards and accolades so that’s become something we concentrate on too.
You clearly have quite a work ethic?
I do. I am completely focused on results. I’m extremely direct. I never take no for an answer. I admit to being a borderline workaholic but I learnt to delegate because I don’t have a choice. I have enormously strong willpower when it comes to hard work and I know that my clients recognise and appreciate that because they’re the same. David Letterman, Oprah Winfrey, Jimmy Kimmel -- these people don’t just happen. The work they put in is off the scale. Celebrities are on the move all the time. It never stops. The higher their profile, the faster it gets.
Showbusiness is called that for a reason but any industry insider knows all too well that however glamorous the Oscars are, everyone’s feet are hurting on that red carpet. It’s the same day-to-day, working behind the scenes to pull something special out the hat. This is the craziest thing which I seldom told anyone: back when I was a single mum, trying to grow my new business while supporting three kids, I would wait until they went to sleep and then I would put on a neck brace because I was too tired to hold my head up, and continue to work. The washing machine would be running in the background while I’d be doing my emails and then I’d watch a TED Talk every night to fill up my tank because I still craved stimulation and knowledge. And then usually I’d be woken up in the night whether it was a teenager coming home in the small hours or a toddler waking early to play. Glamorous it wasn’t. But there’s always a little magic with the madness.

So it’s 90% madness and 10% magic? Is that what motivates you?
Something people tend not to realize about success is that the pressure only ever increases because once you’ve built your castle you want it to stand strong and not fall. The pressure is delivering more and more, staying creative, staying focused. Fortunately I thrive on it. My mission is always to give every client the best, to elevate them. Creatively speaking, that’s the drug for me.
But I’m also a CEO and what people might miss about my motivation is that I’m an employer with a loyalty and sense of responsibility to the people I have working for me. We are very much a team and I’m extremely proud, not to mention relieved, that CTB managed to retain the entire staff throughout the pandemic.
It sounds like CTB is a great place to be employed. What is its appeal for clients?
Our impressive client list helps. At the start when David Letterman wanted to continue to work with me as an independent company it was a big calling card. It meant I was current. That’s continued over the years. We’ve always had clients with the cool factor whether it was Jon Favreau’s IFC TV show Dinner For Five back in 2001 or the 20th anniversary of Jimmy Kimmel Live in 2023. Our entire podcast division gives us cachet because people see that the key players in that business are with CTB.
The reason people continue to work with us is because of our track record. They trust our brand. Back in the day the media had this arrogant attitude of “We are in charge. We are the ones who dictate what your image will be, how your project will be promoted”. At CTB we’re not about any outlet being more important than any celebrity. We’re always working to finding ways to collaborate creatively -- because everybody wants to narrate their own story – and ensuring that everyone has a positive experience.
I’m proud of the fact that people have confidence that if we’re booking something we’re not just going to treat the client with respect, we’re also going to treat the talent with courtesy and consideration. We’re not about those ‘gotcha!’ moments. It’s our job to deliver somebody who is entertaining, who has the right tone and sensibility for that individual host, and for that to happen the talent has to feel comfortable and secure in order to be their best self in the interview environment.
We’re also known for going the extra mile. Maybe I’m a closet people-pleaser but I’m someone who likes to say “yes” and make things work if I can. And one thing I hope I make work is treading the line between being as tough as necessary, but also flexible. My loyalty is to doing the right thing and that’s how I want our clients to be perceived too.
Many people underestimate the power of the bigger picture strategy, but it’s always been my gameplan because I’m in the business of elevation -- helping people get where they want to go. I want to help every client achieve the success they dream of reaching and it’s always a joint enterprise. The bigger picture means thinking ahead, not just to plan a strategy but to avoid pitfalls and obstacles. We’re experienced and we are seasoned as a company, not just as individuals. That frees the client so they can concentrate on showcasing their content well.